InRoads Workspace Tools

In OpenRoads, "Everything is in the dgn [or dgnlib]".  Great.  But the dgn is a proprietary binary file format.

Bentley's default de-opaquer (getting the binary to something readable (well, transparent) is to send to XML.  These tend to be "Export" tools in various contexts (the Explorer, dialogs...):

  • Feature Definitions <--> xml file
  • Feature Symbology <--> xml file
  • Element Templates <--> xml

These xml reports - like all compliant xml files - are digestible by the standard programs and parsers, as well as the InRoads/OpenRoad Report Browser.

Bentley put together some translator programs for some of the xml reports into every engineer's favorite data management tool: Excel.  They also wrote some translator programs to take some of these Excel files back into the XML format for re-import.  This way, you can do a lot of administrative bulk stuff in a format we understand.

Not wanting to do a bunch of customized coding, the tools tend to output a single xls with many tabs and every combination of attributes.  They're full-spectrum, they're complex.

Note: Bentley "doesn't support" these files.  They're a couple major version old and they're not updating them (go vote onBCI-I-600 on the Bentley Ideas Portal).  They suggest using the Feature Definition Wizard.

  • Feature Import Export - this translates the features.xml and symbologies.xml back and forth to excel.
  • Element Template Utility this translates the elementtemplates.xml back and forth to excel.

Legacy & Migration Tools

  • XIN Extractor This takes an .xin file and creates three xmls that importable into ORD (Features, Symbology, Element Templates).
  • DDB Extractor
  • Font Remap (readme.txt) - legacy only 
  • Save Levels to Elem Temp (readme.txt)
  • Scale Models (readme.txt)
  • Template Library ITL Converter
  • Template Library ITL Feature ReMapper
  • XSL Style Sheets Converter

Note that one issue in migrating from old to ORD is that there is generally a revamping of the naming convention.  The XIN Extractor has a re-mapping spreadsheet to facilitate this. 

XIN Tools

InRoads has Tools >

  • Feature Style Manager- shows the attributes of the Feature Styles, sortable by header, filterable by symbology.  No export.
  • Symbology Manager- meh, lists Named Symbology, Description, and whether Default, Plan, Profile or Cross Section defined. Filters.  No export.
  • Preferences Manager - allows a broad look into what Preferences are defined for every tool.

Reports XSL: XIN folder 

All reports are exportable to Excel.

  • FeatureStyles.xsl shows the attributes of the Feature Styles - good for listing the Named Symbologies
  • NamedSymbologiesUse.xsl lists the Named Symbologies, the Feature Styles they're used in, and its Type (Inclusive, Surface, Point, Line, Arc...)
  • MissingNamedSymbology.xsl - Tool Preferences can (should) use Named Symbologies to standardized graphic output.  This report should show which Named Symbologies are called from which Preferences but aren't found.
Feature Styles to Feature Definitions seldom a 1:1 - there is generally a naming convention change 


 Named Symbologies to Feature Symbologies  seldom a 1:1 - there is generally a naming convention change     Element Templates