Bentley Drainage Help Resources 


On-line Help:  From within the software:  File > Help > Help Contents.  Then click Drainage and Utilities.

URL (Bentley tends to point to the latest version of software (links to "live" articles tend to get broken with new software versions)



Bentley Communities

Bentley Communities: OpenRoads | OpenSite

Bentley Communities - Hydrology and Hydraulics

Because OpenRoads Drainage is based almost entirely on "untouched" OpenFlows (Haestad) code, this Community is a great resource for deep Hydrology and Hydraulic questions.


Learn Server (Training): 

Bentley Drainage Training



Bentley has at least two Channels:

  • Bentley OpenRoads
  • CivilTSG

"Subsurface" is a good search keyword