Channels come in two Flavors:


Channels come in two Flavors:

  • Conduit Channels 
  • Channel Channels

They have different Hydraulic Prototype types and therefore have different properties and behaviors.


Conduit Channels

  • are, essentially, open pipes. 
  • behave like pipes in many ways. 
  • have shapes/sizes defined from a catalog or have a User Defined shape/size.

Conduit Channels

  • have no shape. 
  • derive their shape from an Upstream Node.
Channel Prototype Types 



Naming Convention: Critical!

Channels are placed from the Place Conduit tool, by Feature Definition.  There is no intrinsic way to tell by the Feature Definition whether the channel uses a Conduit Prototype or a Channel Prototype.  


It is thus, critical that the Feature Definition Name clearly indicate the Prototype Type.  The Bentley Workspace designates the Channel Channels with By Node in their name.

 Note the Channels show two "Conduit Channels". 

The Conduit Channels indicate the material by name - a convention, as material affects hydraulic results and is not generally otherwise visible during layout.


The "Channel Channel" is indicated in its name:  Channel - from Node.


We will herefore refer to "Channel Channels" as Channels By Node.

Channel By Node - Layout 


Type Advantages:

  • Conduit Channels
    • have an intrinsic shape - the user picks a Channel Size during Layout of the Channel.  Changing shapes is very easy at any time.
  • Channels by Node:
    • Can Transition Cross Section between Upstream and Downstream Node (in SewerGEMS)
    • Extended channels that do not have physical structures at ends or bends are easily modeled with Cross Section Nodes.  Soon-to-be-released functionality will allow Cross Section Nodes to read the terrain to produce cross sections.  Only Channels by Node will can be able to model this easily
    • Cross Seciton Nodes can be made to not plot and  not be “quantity items”.




“By Node” requires an Upstream Node with a Cross Section:

                Cross Section Node

                Endwall with a Cross Section

                                Current workspace has one:  Headwalls > With Wingwalls > Culvert Headwall