Hands-on: Profile By Slope from Point

Engineering Task:  Grade a Parking Lot 1% upward from an Existing Inlet

Dataset:Profile by Slope from Point (data zip) 

Most Appropriate Pre-requisite:  Non-Corridor and Site Modeling course

  1. Open the working file.
  2. Verify there is a Parking Perimeter and a Existing Inlet in the lower left corner.

The Inlet should show in the 3D Model.

  1. Click Profile By Slope from Point.
  2. Match the Settings shown

Point Selection: All

Profile Adjustment -  None

Point Projection: Radial

Slope: 1%



  1. At the Locate First Element to Profile prompt, click on the parking perimeter 
  2. At the Locate Next Element to Profile - Reset to Complete prompt, right-click to Reset
  3. At the Locate Reference 3D point, click on the Inlet in the 3D view.
  4. The software will prompt through the other settings. You should have set them above.  You should be able to simple confirm them with a click.

The new Profile shows up in the parking perimeter's Profile Model.

Parking Perimeter Profile


 Note that the 3D Model does not show the 3D Parking Perimeter.

  1. Click-and-hover on the Profile element and click on Set Active Profile.

Once a horizontal has an Active Profile, the 3D feature shows in the 3D Model.

3D Parking Perimeter

A terrain created from element would show how it drains.

3D Parking 1% to inlet